
Showing posts from December, 2018

Know how this clever CristalACTiV coating can clean the air !!

How CristalACTiV Works This clever coating can be painted on structures to help cleanse the surrounding air 1) Pollutants Photoreactive atmospheric pollutants like VOCs, NOx, and Sox come into contact with the depollution coating. Working of CristalACTiV coating 2) Depollution coating Under the sun’s UV light, the titanium dioxide (TiO2) coating forms highly reactive free radical particles, capable of breaking down pollutants. 3) Chemical reactions Photocatalytic reactions involving the free radicals convert pollutants to carbon dioxide, water, and harmless compounds that stick to the depollution surface. 4) Self-cleaning surface The soiled surface is washed clean whenever rain falls, or it is hosed down. Photocatalysis In some cases, airborne pollutants convert to harmless materials when they react chemically with other atmospheric gases. These reactions happen naturally in the presence of light but on a slow timescale. In photocata

What are Crystal Giants and Why are they Deadly?

What are Crystal Giants? Deep under a Mexican desert lies a mysterious cave that’s beautiful but deadly T wo brothers were drilling in the Naica mine in Mexico when they revealed a geological  wonder  of the world, hundreds of thousands of  years in the making. The Cueva de Los Cristales, or Cave of Crystals, is a glittering castle covered in some of the largest crystals anyone has ever seen. Measuring over 11 meters – roughly the length of a bus – they have risen in the extreme conditions of the cave. Temperature is scorching at 44 degrees Celsius and up to 100 percent humidity which means the air you breathe quickly condenses inside your lungs. Geologists hell bent on exploring the cave and living to tell the tale had to don specially designed suits, covered with ice packs. If they had taken their respirator mask off for more than ten minutes, they would have fallen senseless. However, what proves deadly for  humans  are actually the perf

Why The Gigantic Rain Clouds Appears Grey?

Why are Rain Clouds Grey? The reason why overcast days are so dismal T o understand why clouds can appear grey, you first need to know why they also appear white. It’s all to do with the reflection of light. Clouds are created when air and  water vapour  near the ground warms up and rises. As it gets uplifted, the water vapour  condenses, and the droplets join together to make clouds. The more condensation there is, the more droplets there are and the bigger the clouds become. When light from the Sun passes through these large aggregations of water vapour , the droplets scatter the light in all directions. The droplets are tiny and spread out enough to scatter the entire spectrum of light, which means that they will appear white. As more water droplets accumulate and the clouds get larger, less light is able to penetrate through the cloud. What we see from the ground seems grey because less light is being scattered to our eyes. As the water droplets inside the cloud ge

Learn about the Mechanism of Exception Handling in C++

Exception Handling Mechanism in C++ To overcome the limitations of the conventional error handling mechanism, an exception handling mechanism was introduced in C++ in 1989.C++ exception handling mechanism not only guarantees the detection and handling of run-time errors but also provides a way to separate the error handling code from the rest of the program. This makes the program less complex, more readable and efficient, as the normal execution path is not interrupted for checking errors. Moreover, the error handling routine (called exception handler) is invoked automatically whenever an error occurs. Learn More:  An exception usually carries three types of information with it, namely, the type of exception , the place where the exception has occurred and the context information such as error message and other state information. C++ exception handling mechanism mainly uses three keywords, try, throw and catch. A set

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